Mission Address

Elder Devin Jasper

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Private bag 277

Blantyre Malawi

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This week as been great, however, it has not exactly the best week ever.  We ate dinner with Mildred and Daniel (some of the members here) and that was nice.  I am glad that you got the 50 billion dollars that I sent to you.  I thought it was cool. It’s actually Zimbabwean money.  They are taking it out of circulation. They use U.S currency now.  I have a trillion dollar note! It is pretty cool. I guess the money/notes even got up into the quintillions! The inflation in Zimbabwe was crazy. For example, you might get paid on Friday 10 trillion and it may be worth 80 US dollars the next day it would be worth 5 US dollars.  

It’s good to hear from people from home. Rachel wrote to me was telling about her book project.  I enjoy her letters and sounds like she is busy these days. In addition, she sent me a lot of pictures the pictures were fun and I enjoyed them. In addition, I enjoy Kathy’s letters.  She is fun. I know that mom worries about me and about me eating. I’m eating but I’m still losing weight because we work a lot and we only really eat one big meal which is dinner.  We usually just eat a light breakfast and lunch, because it’s all we can really afford. 
Zambia is great.  Zambia just won the Africa soccer cup! Zambia won the Ivory Coast 8-7. They won last night. I got in to the sprit and bought a Zambian soccer jersey last week.  It’s really nice.  I am feeling good about my bartering skills. For example, talked the guy down to 50 pin (about 10 dollars) he tried to cheat me because I’m not a native.  However, I’m really good at talking to people and at speaking Nyanja.  Now, I can talk to anyone at anytime even if it’s a stranger.  Well, today is a crazy day because; everyone is celebrating Zambia’s victory. We are trying to stay off the streets because it’s not safe. Everyone is partying.  There were 46 fatalities last night, so were taking back roads and short cuts today. In addition, we didn’t take transport today because people are just wild and drunk. We decided we better walk to be safe. I am thinking that it’s a good choice.

I sent some letters today.  I sent one to my family, Kathy, Rachel, and Brother Smith, so hopefully they will get there soon.
Till next week love Devin.

Tell everyone to say hi and encourage people to write letters. Make sure to tell everyone that there WILL be GIFTS to everyone who writes :)

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